Past Events

YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah goes on the airwaves with FM Mutiara


Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department, Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah took to the airwaves with FM Mutiara on 12th December 2018. In the program “Bicara Prisma Bersama PDRM – KPJKK Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah” the effervescent and charismatic Dato’ Anil Shah was interviewed by DJ Ieta where he focused his perspectives on Cyber and Telco Crimes covering in particular Macau Scams, Parcel Scams and Love Scams. MCPF Penang appreciates that its Vice-Chairman (I) shared his valuable tips and insights to this ever increasing concern impacting citizens from various walks of life.