Past Events

YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah goes on the airwaves


As a follow up event to the Chinese New Year “Ops Selamat” Campaign, YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah went on the air live on the morning of 14th February 2018. He was interviewed at Studio Mutiara FM, RTM Pulau Pinang by Radio DJ Sabariah binti Yusof (DJ Sobar) where he smoothly covered various objectives of PDRM to ensure the continued safety of citizens and the community at large in this festive period.

Our MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (I) broadcasted the following: 1. the plans of PDRM with regards to the safety and security of the general public that includes their properties. He expanded on Ops Selamat Campaign launch, Balik Kampung Program and PDRM vehicular patrols (MPVs and URB); 2. What citizens can do for themselves when going on the road as well as how they could better safeguard their homes; 3. The focus of PDRM on ongoing Criminal investigations; 4. The simplistic yet effective use of Volunteer Smartphone Patrol (VSP) to report on crimes being committed; 5. Encouraging and advising the public’s role in winning the war against crime and prevention of crime; and, 6. Wishing the Chinese community “Gong Xi Fa Cai!” on behalf of PDRM.

Kudos and Bravo Dato’ Anil Shah!