Past Events

“Welcoming” New Penang Chief Police Officer YDH CP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan


Penang welcomes its new Chief Police Officer YDH CP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan who takes over the helm from YDH CP Datuk Wira Chuah Ghee Lye. MCPF Penang SLC Chairman Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran and SLC Member Munusamy Muniandy were at the VIP Room of the Penang International Airport on 28th December 2017 to welcome him alongside Senior Police Officers of PDRM Penang including Deputy CPO YDH DCP Dato’ Roslee bin Chik and Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (I) YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah. MCPF Penang is delighted a warm and close ally Dato’ A. Thaiveegan has ‘returned home’ having served as Penang’s Deputy CPO for three years from September 2013. Known for his tough stance against underworld gangs and serious crimes, Dato’ A. Thaiveegan will be Penang’s new CPO when outgoing CP Datuk Wira Chuah Ghee Lye retires officially after 40 years of service with PDRM. MCPF Penang wishes CP Datuk Wira Chuah Ghee Lye all the very best in whatever future undertakings that he will pursue upon his well-deserved retirement. His unwavering support to MCPF Penang as its Honorary Advisor has been uplifting and inspiring.