Past Events

Update by YDH CP Dato’ Abdul Ghafar Bin Rajab


In view of a recent spate of vandalism cases at Hindu Temples in the state, YDH CP Dato’ Abdul Ghafar Bin Rajab held a Press/Media Conference to update the general public on these cases. Clarification was made that the root causes of the vandalism were not due to any terrorism act was well received.  The perpetrator was arrested in an operation led by OCPD Timur Laut YDH ACP Mior Faridalathrash Bin Wahab under the Operations Task Force Commander YDH DCP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan – Deputy CPO, Penang.
Present at the Press/Media Conference was Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, Chairman, MCPF Penang.  Also in attendance in the briefing by YDH CP Dato’ Abdul Ghafar Bin Rajab, YDH DCP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan and YDH SAC Dato’ Yong Lei Choo, Head of Special Branch, IPK Penang with the NGOs were MCPF SLC Members Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran and Munusamy Muniandy.