Past Events

SLC Members engage in detailed Strategic discussions on Cybercrime Programs


MCPF Penang Secretary cum SPT DLC Chairman Dr. EL Ching,  SLC Member cum SPT DLC Treasurer Ridzuan Md Zain and MCPF Penang ex-Officio SLC Member Associate Professor Selvakumar Manickam of USM met up at Restaurant Nashmir, Juru Auto City on 15th January 2020 to discuss strategies and implementation steps on School Cybercrime Program, Train-The-Trainer (TTT) Course on IT Security and Cybercrime workshop for MCPF Penang SLC Members in 2020. The first planned Program is to be tabled in greater details with the Penang State Education Office / District Student Affairs Officers on 21st January 2020. The second (TTT Course) on IT Security is envisaged to be proliferated to DLC Members by DLC Chairmen and the 3rd (Cybercrime workshop) will lay the foundation for future organized programs for School Teachers. A short and highly focused / outcome oriented meeting!