Past Events

RMP Penang Dialogue Session with Watsons at Media Center, RMP Penang Police Contingent HQ


MCPF Penang is indeed pleased to note the reaching out to the public by the Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent. A dialogue session was held between the Royal Malaysia Police and Watsons at the Media Center, RMP Penang Contingent HQ on 12th September 2018. The Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department lived up to its close interaction with the Community at large by its Dialogue Session with Mr. Gobi – Regional Sales Operations Manager of Watsons, Northern Region; Mr. Lee Chin Ark, Loss Prevention and Security Manager of Watsons and Staff of Watsons Penang.

YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah, Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department (CPCSD) Penang (cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (I); YDH Supt. Tan Cheng San, Acting Deputy Head CPCSD (Operations) Penang; YDH Supt. Zolkifli bin Mohd Rashidi (Staff Officer, Policy & Resources Management); YDH Supt. Nermaljit Singh (Staff Officer, Coordinating Supporting Source); YDH Supt. Saw Hock Tek (Staff Officer, Community Policing cum MCPF Penang SLC Ex-Officio Member); All District Heads of CPCSD Penang and Officers from CPCSD Penang were present. In his Keynote Address YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah introduced the roles of CPCSD, explained the importance of VSP, touched on the duty of the public in Crime Prevention and their Power of Arrest, elaborated upon the Penang State Government’s blueprint 2030 / initiatives in Crime Prevention, suggested cooperation between Watsons with other business entities in organizing Crime Prevention Programs / Activities and shared his advice with regards to the current hot topic of love scam, Macau scam and the unscrupulous usage of VOIP in such scams.