Past Events

Reaching out to and motivating Indian Youths at SMK Jalan Damai


MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (II) Dato’ K. Pulayantran was invited to officiate and deliver the keynote address in “Kursus Tatasusila dan Motivasi Pelajar India” sponsored by SMK Jalan Damai, Bukit Mertajam (SPT) on 23rd June 2017.

Also in attendance were MCPF Penang SLC Member Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran and MCPF Member Paramguru Balan.  The main Theme was “Priority to Education – Cultivating Good Habits”. The apt slogan of “Together We Develop a New Dynamic Empowered and Civic Minded Indian Community” was tied into the Key Messages of “Saying NO to Smoking Drugs, Bully, Illegal Activities, Alcohol and Gangsterism.


A Motivational Talk was given by Sub-Inspector M. Karunamurthi a/l Muniandy from Bahagian Siasatan Khas (D9) of Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah, PDRM, Penang.