Past Events

PWDC host MCPF Penang in Meeting to discuss “Penang Goes Orange 2023” (PGO2023) at Ruby Room, Level 31, KOMTAR


A meeting was hosted by Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC) to welcome MCPF Penang and to discuss “Penang Goes Orange” (PGO) 2023 Statewide Campaign at the Ruby Room, Level 31, KOMTAR on 29th August 2023. PWDC CEO Puan Ong Bee Leng chaired the meeting and was accompanied by Ms Mangleswary Subramaniam, Head, Women’s Empowerment and Leadership; Puan Hasanah Akhir, Head, Family and Children Affairs; Muhammad Farid Arsyad bin Foad, Program Officer, Women’s Empowerment and Leadership; Nurazira binti Abdullah, Program Officer, Family and Children Affairs; and,  Nurul Alyaa binti Hashim, Intern. MCPF Penang delegates were led by its Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng together with JM Tan, Secretary; Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, Chairman, Timur Laut DLC; James Mohan, Chairman, Barat Daya DLC; Paramaguru Balan Moghan, Chairman, SPS DLC; Ridzuan Md Zain, Chairman SPT DLC; Munusamy Muniandy, Chairman SPU DLC; Joseph Sawaremuthu, Committee Member; and Rahumathullah, Committee Member. The interactive meeting Agenda included a Video of PWDC; an overview of PWDC by Ms. Mangleswary Subramaniam who touched on the Three Key Thrusts of PWDC i.e. Gender Inclusiveness, Women’s Empowerment and Leadership and Family & Children’s Affairs; an overview of MCPF by JM Tan and the details pertaining to “Penang Goes Orange 2023” by PWDC CEP Puan Ong Bee Leng, Ms. Mangleswary and Puan Hasanah binti Akhir. Penang Goes Orange (PGO) 2023 is the 10th Year of PWDC’s advocacy of #Kindness4Wellness with this year’s Theme being “Let’s End Bullying” which is aligned with the Ministry of Education’s “Sekolahku Sejahtera: Sepakat dan Selamat” efforts.

This year’s campaign will be a collaborative effort between PWDC, PDRM, JPNPP and MCPF. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng stated that MCPF Penang would give their utmost support to the campaign to that it would work closely with the Organizing Committee. PGO 2023 is planned to involve 127 Secondary Schools, 40 KADUNs in its key Campaign Programme encompassing the Launching Ceremony on 25th November 2023 at the Esplanade, Padang Kota; Orange Week @Schools from 27th November 2023 to 8th December 2023 and the Closing Ceremony at SMK Bandar Tasik Mutiara, Seberang Perai Selatan on 9th December 2023.