Past Events

Program Kesedaran Sahsiah Diri Madani held at Dewan Dato’ Hj. Ahmad Salleh, Permatang Keling, Nibong Tebal


Program Kesedaran Sahsiah Diri Madani was successfully completed on Wednesday 13th November 2024 from 0800 hrs – 1300 hrs at Dewan Dato’ Hj. Ahmad Salleh, Permatang Keling, Nibong Tebal, South Seberang Perai District, Penang. The VIPs in attendance were YDH Supt Chong Boo Khim, District Police Chief, SPS; Pn Siti Fadzilah binti. Osman, Deputy District Education Officer, Student Development Sector (also MCPF SPS DLC Member); Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng, Chairman of Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation, Penang; DSP Mohd Norazmi bin Abd Ghapar, Deputy District Police Chief, SPS; Kapt. Bersekutu (PA) Paramaguru Balan a/l Moghan, Chairman of Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation, SPS District; and, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Dr. Hj Ahmad Nazzan bin Abdullah (Guest Speaker). PDRM in attendance included Insp Nurul Asshyikin bt. Abd Raman, Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Division (BPJKKD) / MCPF SPS DLC Vice-Chairman (I) ex-officio; S/Insp J. Kanagasundaram, Crime Prevention and Community Safety Division (BPJKKD); and three BPJKKD (Crime Prevention and Community Safety Division) Officers. PDRM Speakers who addressed the participants were Insp Norshahela bt. Rosle, Criminal Investigation Division (BSJD) and Kpl Mohd Nurul Nizam bin Mohd Arsad, Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division (BSPTD) whilst MCPF Speaker addressing the crowd and various work groups was Kapt. Bersekutu (PA) Paramaguru Balan a/l Moghan (South Seberang Perai District Liaison Committee Chairman). A critical factor of supporting the students is the presence of PDRM School Liaison Officers (PPS – Pegawai Perhubungan Sekolah) that visit the schools under their guidance. In attendance at this program were SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman: PPS 1: Insp Nur Alya Afrina bt. Rizurwan; SMK Sungai Acheh: PPS 1: Insp Mohd Faridzul bin Mohamed Yusof; SK Permatang Tok Mahat; PPS 2: Kpl Muhammad Syamim Naim bin Mohd Rujhan; and, SJK(T) Nibong Tebal PPS 2: Kpl Zainuddin bin Jusoh. MCPF showed its superb support of this SPS Program 9 other attendees that included MCPF Penang Secretary Mr. Johnny Michael Tan; South-West DLC Chairman Mr. James Mohan; MCPF SPS DLC Team including its Vice-Chairman [II] Mr. Arumugam Rajoo, Secretary Mr. Jarmy Goh Jiun Ming (Secretary), Treasurer Mr. Ng Seng Hing (Treasurer) and Committee Member Mr. Komagan Lingam. This well organized Program also saw MCPF Members, Mr. Ooi Say Chong; Mr. Tony Tan Kai Loon and Mr. Cheong Yu Hoo present and involved in supporting the attendees. Terima Kasih also to Prisons Department Chief Inspector Tuan Mat Zahir bin Ahmad Bakri who was accompanied by three other Prison Officers. Six AADK Officers were also present. The District Health Office had Dr. Tharmaraj a/l Kerisnan @ Krishnan being accompanied by six other Medical Officers. Rounding up the superb support were five Counselling Teachers from the National Counsellors Association.

This key Program which is part and parcel of the JPNPP / MCPF Collaborative efforts on Focus Schools revitalization of their respective Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah (KPJ) had amongst its main Objectives: 1. To instil discipline and foster a positive identity among school students through the involvement of various agencies such as the PDRM, AADK, Prison Department, District Health Office, National Counsellors Association, and MCPF; 2. To emphasize the importance of self-respect, respect for others, and adherence to school rules while raising awareness of the impact of discipline on future achievements; 3. To increase the awareness on sexual crime and road safety, 4. To realize that a life of crime can lead to conviction and a prison sentence that could include whipping as part of its sentence (communicated by the Prison Department officers); 5. To drive the messages home through relevant slide shows; and, 6. To increase subject related awareness through modules presented by each participating agency.