Past Events

Placing emphasis on Crime Prevention Education and Awareness to the ‘Young Ones’


MCPF Penang envisages that in the 2nd half of 2016 it will intensify its efforts to help elevate the awareness and improve the knowledge of school going population in particular the Secondary schools and even Colleges / Universities.  The recent 9th May 2016 dialogue with the Principal of SMK Bandar Tasik Mutiara and Courtesy Call by MCPF Penang delegation on the Director of Education, Penang State YB Tuan Shaari Bin Osman will provide the impetus and drive.  Besides this, as committed with JPJKK IPK Penang during our MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee meetings, MCPF Penang will coordinate joint visits to Secondary schools to conduct on-site dialogue and interaction.