Past Events

Passing of the Baton


Passing of the Baton from YDH DCP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan to YDH DCP Roslee bin Chik as Deputy Chief Police Officer

In a ‘Handing over Ceremony’ held at IPK, P. Pinang on 1st September 2016, incoming and newly promoted DCP Roslee bin Chik took over the helm as Penang’s Deputy Chief Police Officer from DCP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan.  The latter is being posted to Bukit Aman Police HQ in Kuala Lumpur as the Deputy Director of Commercial Crime Investigation.  For the former, this is his 3rd Tour of Duty to Penang.  We would like to wish DCP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan – a stalwart in working with MCPF Penang on its Crime Prevention efforts – the very best in his new undertakings.  And, MCPF Penang looks forward to working on its Crime Prevention programs, events and activities with DCP Dato’ Roslee bin Chik and wish him the very best in his endeavours.