Past Events

MCPF TLDLC collaborates with AADK P. Pinang / Timur Laut, PDRM IPD Timur Laut, MPKK Thean Teik & CDERT Air Itam on Community Outreach Program


MCPF Timur Laut District Liaison Committee collaborated with AADK Penang / Timur Laut, PDRM IPD Timur Laut, Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) Thean Teik & Civil Defense Emergency Response Team (CDERT Air Itam) to reach out to the community and residents of Desa Mawar, Kampung Melayu, Air Itam on 15th January 2023. YB Joseph Ng Soon Siang, the State Assemblyman (Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri [ADUN]) for Air Itam officiated the Event.  This short program “Kursus Asas Keselamatan KBT (Kawasan Berisiko Tinggi) & Penglibatan Komunikasi Dua Hala” was organized as part of AADK Pulau Pinang efforts in its ongoing journey to facilitate efforts to turn Mukim 13 Timur Laut to a ‘Green Zone’.  The primary focus of the outreach program was to enhance the knowledge of the danger of Drug Abuse by AADK. PDRM Timur Laut shared awareness with regards to current pervasive SCAM threats. MCPF Penang provided pointers on various aspects of Crime Awareness.
In attendance for MCPF Penang were Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng (Chairman), Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri K. Pulayantran (Deputy Chairman), Encik JM Tan (Secretary), Encik Felix Chuah Gim Chuan (Committee Member cum Timur Laut DLC Chairman), James Mohan (CM / Barat Daya DLC Chairman), Encik Paramaguru Balan Moghan (CM / SPS DLC Chairman), Encik Munusamy Muniandy (CM / SPU DLC Chairman), Encik Joseph Sawaremuthu (CM) and Encik Rahumathullah bin Ibrahim (CM). MCPF Timur Laut DLC Members in attendance included Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohd Nashir Ya (Vice-Chairman II), Encik Kathiraveloo Thangiah (Treasurer), Encik Peter Paul Arokiyasamy (CM cum Event Coordinator) and Encik Teoh Kheng Tatt (CM).

AADK P. Pinang had Puan Elmariah Chung (Director AADK P. Pinang), Encik Zaki bin Ablah (Deputy Director AADK P. Pinang), Puan Aina Rashidah bte Abu Bakar (Deputy Director AADK P. Pinang), Ms. K. Lalithawathy (Head of AADK Daerah Timur Laut), Tuan Rozaiman bin Redzuan (Head of Prevention and Awareness, Drug Unit. AADK P. Pinang) and other AADK P. Pinang / Daerah Timur Laut Officers and Staff present. PDRM IPD Timur Laut had Tuan ASP Devan a/l Raman (Officer, CCID IPD Timur Laut), Tuan ASP Donny a/l John Jubang (Bahagian PJKK IPD Timur Laut), Inspector Ismail bin Mohamed (Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Narkotik IPD Timur Laut) and other Police Officers in attendance.  Ms. K. Lalithawathy shared an introduction and overview of the main Theme and Objectives of the Program.  Awareness Talk on Prevention of Drug Abuse was delivered by Tuan Rozaiman bin Redzuan. Tuan ASP Devan a/l Raman shared on SCAM Awareness and Encik JM Tan talked about Crime Prevention and Awareness. The short program ended with a two-way Q&A Session with the attendees where interesting issues / concerns were brought up with responses by the Panel (Puan Aina Rashidah bte Abu Bakar, Tuan ASP Devan a/l Raman and Encik JM Tan).