Past Events

MCPF Timur Laut DLC participates in WCC Penang Ok Tak Ok Program at SK Seri Indah, Air Itam


MCPF Timur Laut DLC were invited by WCC Penang to attend the “Ok Tak Ok” Sexual Harassment Program at SK Seri Indah, Air Itam on 7th August 2024. MCPF North-East District Liaison Committee Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Felix Chuah Gim Chuan; Vice-Chairman II Y.Bhg; Dato’ Mohd Nashir Ya; Secretary Mr. Peter Paul Arokiyasamy; Treasurer Mr. Teoh Kheng Tatt; and, Committee Member Andy Ng Jui Bin were in attendance alongside Cik Faridah from the Timur Laut Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD), Puan Yasmin, SK Seri Indah’s Teacher in charge of Student Affairs (Hal Ehwal Murid – HEM) and Puan Sri Devi (School Counsellor of SK Seri Indah). WCC’s Ms YY Yeap, WCC Community Outreach Lead was accompanied by the Speaker Mr. Kanabathi who provided awareness of Sexual Abuse impacting School Students to 70 covering 2 concurrent sessions held at the School Canteen and its Science Laboratory.