Past Events

MCPF Timur Laut DLC participates in PGO 2023 Anti-Bullying Talk at SMK Methodist Boys School (MBS)


MCPF Timur Laut DLC participated in Penang Goes Orange 2023 Anti-Bullying Talk at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist Boys School (MBS) on 1st December 2023. This is the 3rd in a series of planned 10 schools (2 schools per District) that MCPF Penang is involved in the program. In attendance from PDRM IPD Timur Laut were DSP Shankar Segaran (also MCPF Timur Laut Vice-Chairman (I) ex-officio); ASP Sohaimi, Insp Sree Vikneswaran (Pegawai Perhubungan Sekolah – PPS); Sjn. Shafiq (Penolong PPS) and Sjn Shankar. MCPF Timur Laut was represented by its Vice-Chairman (II) YBhg. Dato’ Nashir Ya and Secretary Peter Paul Arokiyasamy. Also present from MCPF Penang SLC was Joseph Sawaremuthu (who brought along 20 goodie bags). Methodist Boys Schools had its School Principal V. Petta, its Student Coordinator Mr. Tan and Puan Siti Noor Farida in attendance. The Anti-Bullying talk was delivered by Insp Sree Vikneswaran. DSP Shankar Segaran shared some inspirational inputs whilst Dato’ Nashir Ya shared his motivational insights with the students and conducted a quiz session together with Insp Sree Vikneswaran.  With this 3rd session of PGO 2023 Anti-Bullying Talk completed, 7 more are in the works for the upcoming week of 4th December 2023 to 8th December 2023.