Past Events

MCPF Timur Laut DLC participates in Anti-Bullying Talk (Penang Goes Orange 2023 Campaign) at SMK(P) St. George


MCPF Timur Laut DLC Chairman Felix Chuah Gim Chuan led three other Timur Laut DLC Members to attend the Anti-Bullying Talk (Penang Goes Orange 2023 Campaign) at SMK (P) St. George on 11th December 2023. Accompanying him were Kathiraveloo al Thangiah, Sally Ng Chit Peng and Andy Ng Jui Boon. In attendance from PDRM were Insp. Premenisha a/l Krishnan (Pegawai Perhubungan Sekolah) and Sjn/W 137789 Nor Fazirah Ayu binti Mustaffa. In attendance were the School’s Senior Assistant Puan Fadilah. In this final and eighth school in which MCPF Penang DLC were present for the Anti-Bullying Talk over 350 Forms 1 to 4 Students were present to understand better about what Bullying is all about.