Past Events

MCPF Timur Laut DLC holds its 2022 3rd Meeting at IPD Timur Laut, George Town


The 3rd MCPF Timur Laut DLC Meeting for 2022 was held at the Bilik Mesyuarat Utama of IPD Timur Laut on 18th October 2022. In attendance from MCPF Timur Laut DLC were Felix Chuah Gim Chuan (Chairman), Dato’ Mohd Nashir bin Ya (Vice-Chairman [II]), Ronald Cecil Aeria (Secretary), Kathiraveloo a/l Thangiah (Treasurer), Peter Paul Arokiyasamy (Committee), Teoh Kheng Tatt (Committee) and Zul Fakhry Zulkifli (rep to PPD TL). MCPF Timur Laut DLC Advisor YDH ACP Soffian bin Santong (OCPF, Timur Laut) led a strong PDRM contingent to show its collaborative support. Other PDRM Timur Laut Officers in attendance included Supt. Saravanan a/l Velu (Deputy OCPD, Timur Laut), DSP Syamsul bin Sinring (Head of BPJKK / MCPF TLDLC Vice-Chairman [I] ex-officio), DSP Tharhizi bin Omar (Traffic), ASP Devan a/l Raman (CCID), Insp Hafiz bin Mohd Yuzaidi (CID), Insp Othman Azlan bin Abdul Kadir (CCID) and Insp. Mohd Ikhwan Hafiz bin Mohd Yuzaidi (Narcotics Crime Investigation). Amongst the focus topics discussed were the current concerns with Cybercrime where ACP Soffian bin Santong shared plans to invite various Government Departments, BNM / bankers to address the challenges involved. He also covered issues pertaining to Drug abuse particularly in schools. Felix Chuah shared the AADK led efforts on Drug Awareness and Programs at Mukim 13, Desa Mawar to be conducted in November 2022 and that the involvement of PDRM, MPKK and CDERT Air Itam was essential. Felix also emphasized on MCPF Penang’s advocacy to address Child Abuse. It was a positive DLC Meeting with ACP Soffian bin Santong expressing support for increased involvement of MCPF TL in various programs.