Past Events

MCPF Timur Laut DLC conducts Crime Prevention Program “Don’t Bully, Be A Friend” at SJK (C) Chiao Nan, Air Itam


MCPF Timur Laut DLC conducted a successful Crime Prevention Program “Don’t Bully, Be A Friend” at SJK (C) Chiao Nan, Jalan Thean Teik, Air Itam on 26th September 2019. Representing MCPF Timur Laut DLC were its Chairman JM Tan, Vice-Chairman (II) Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, Secretary Ronald Cecil Aeria and DLC Committee Member Teoh Kheng Tatt. The talk to the 13 School Teachers and around 200 Primary 4, 5 and 6 pupils was conducted in Mandarin by Teoh Kheng Tatt and Felix Chuah. Also present from SJK (C) Chiao Nan were its School Principal Puan Yap Quat Choo, its Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran Sekolah Encik Lim Choon Tiang and its School Counselor Ms Khaw Weng Shi who had commendably facilitated the smooth execution of this short program. Penang State Education Timur Laut District had Encik Jalil bin Abdul Karim, Penolong PPD (PPDa), Puan Rosnani binti Rasidi, Bim. Kounselor Kerjaya Murid) and Encik Look Keng Wai, Penyelia Kanan Sekolah (SJKC / SJKT). The Q&A Session following the ‘Ceramah’ was highly interactive with 10 students coming forward to pose questions to the Speakers present. 27 MCPF Pocket Book on ‘100 Crime Safety Tips’ was handed to Puan Yap Quat Choo to be used by its School Staff.