Past Events

MCPF Timur Laut DLC Chairman Felix Chuah receives Penang Community Award on 20th Feb 2023


Seven unsung heroes received the      Penang Community Awards from Chief Minister YAB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow under the Love PENANG Campaign at KOMTAR on 20th February 2023. MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee Member cum Timur Laut District Chairman Felix Chuah Gim Chuan was amongst the honored citizens. They were given a token of appreciation for their good deeds done towards Penang Community. YAB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow added that their acts and sacrifices were often behind the scenes, not widely known or publicized. In his speech, he underlined that every one of us has the power to make a difference in our unique kind of way. Felix Chuah, the Vice-President of Persatuan Pegawai Bersekutu APM Penang is also a member of the Penang Care Society and was a very busy man during the Covid-19 pandemic. He delivered oxygen concentrators and oximeters on loan as well as food aid during high-risk situations under MCO. He managed the Operations Control Room at Level 7 of KOMTAR to monitor and update the status and activities during the pandemic. He also served as the chairman of the Food and Essential Main Task Force in the state managing more than 20 volunteers from APM, Red Crescent, Lions Club and St. John Ambulance. Heartiest Congratulations to Felix Chuah and fellow recipients.