Past Events

MCPF SPT DLC participates in Majlis Berbuka Puasa (Iftar) & Ilya’ Ramadan hosted by SPT District RMP HQ


MCPF Penang Secretary cum SPT DLC Chairman EL Ching was accompanied by SPT DLC Member Goh Hoe Eng (also the Deputy Chairman of Community Policing for Penang) and fellow MCPF SLC Member cum SPS DLC Secretary Paramaguru Balan Moghan at a Majlis Berbuka Puasa (Iftar) & Ilya’ Ramadan that was hosted by SPT District RMP HQ on the evening of 9th May 2019. Gracing this occasion was YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo, Chief Police Officer of Penang. In attendance was also YDH ACP Nik Ros Azhan bin Nik Ab Hamid, OCPD of SPT cum Advisor, MCPF SPT DLC.