Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC participates in Penang SPS District Ministry of Education’s (MOE’s) Anti-Smoking & Anti-Vaping Campaign Launch at SMK Jawi


The Penang SPS District Ministry of Education’s Anti-Smoking & Anti-Vaping Campaign Launch was launched at SMK Jawi on 13th December 2023 by Tn. Haji Mohamad Dziauddin Mat Saad, Education Officer, SPS District. The program was hosted by Tn. Zaidi bin Hamzah, SMK Jawi Principal and supported by En. Muhamad Zuhairi Zolkiplee, PPD HEM Assistant and En. Che Mut bin Man, PPD HEM Senior Officer. The Speaker on the standard topic of “Healthy Living: Prevent Smoking & Prevent Vaping” was delivered by Dr. Erma Rosnida binti Rosle, Medical Officer and NCD Unit Officer, SPS District Health Office. Other guests included Insp. Zam Hadzrami bin Musa representing the OCPD of SPS YDH Supt. Ng Ah Thiam; En. Ku Muhaizat bin Ku Malim, District Head of AADK SPS District; and Insp. Atiqah binti Arshad, the PDRM IPD SPS Pegawai Perhubungan Sekolah for SMK Jawi. As per the common message in other District Level Campaign Launches being held simultaneously, the approximately 300 students present were made aware of the dangers of smoking and vaping; the key roles of ‘Sahsiah Murid’ Ambassadors and Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah to educate greater awareness.