Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC invited to participate in Collaborative Meeting between RMP SPS District (IPD SPS) and Education Department SPS District (PPD SPS)


MCPF Seberang Perai Selatan District Liaison Committee was an active participant when invited to attend a ‘Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Permuafakatan PDRM Bersama Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah SPS’ at the Dewan Serbaguna, IPD SPS on 10th March 2020 afternoon. In attendance were YDH Supt. Shafee bin Abd Samad (OCPD, SPS / MCPF SPS DLC Advisor), YDH DSP Baeyah binti Abdul Wahab (Deputy OCPD, SPS), Encik Mohd Rizal bin Ismail (Timbalan Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah Sektor Pembangunan Murid PPD SPS / MCPF SPS DLC Member), Paramaguru Balan Moghan (Chairman, MCPF SPS DLC), Insp. Suzie binti Ku Md Arif (KBPJKK / MCPF SPS DLC Vice-Chairman [I]),  Arumugam a/l Rajoo (Secretary, MCPF SPS DLC), Visvaraj a/l Balasundram (MCPF SPS DLC Member), Bryan Chuah Jin Hooi (MCPF SPS DLC Member), Division Heads (IPD SPS), Ketua Polis Balai (OCS) SPS, Officers (14) and Staff (62), PPD SPS Officers (54) and 1 public representative. All in this interactive dialogue and brainstorming session had 141 attendees. Supt. Shafee bin Abd Samad, Encik Mohd Rizal bin Ismail and Paramaguru Balan Moghan addressed the crowd in attendance. The Meeting Minutes of the previous 2019 meeting was reviewed and coordinated by Insp. Suzie binti Ku Md Arif. Well done and great Teamwork – RMP SPS District, PPD SPS and MCPF SPS DLC!