Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC engages with WCC Penang on Ok Tak Ok Program at SK Tasek Permai


MCPF Seberang Perai Selatan DLC was invited by WCC Penang to attend the “Ok Tak Ok” Sexual Harassment Program at SK Tasek Permai on 20th August 2024. Its Treasurer Mr. Ng Seng Hing was present to support the program covering 90 pupils from Standard 5. WCC’s Cik Salma and Puan June were present to deliver the talk to the school students in sharing ness of Sexual Abuse impacting School Students. The program focused on providing the participants a better understanding of what forms of ‘touching’ were considered ‘OK’ and what were those that would be considered not to be okay. Students were provided tips on their personal safety and guided on what can be done to highlight any sexual harassment concerns and to take countermeasures as needed.