Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC Chairman attends Crime Prevention Event for Form 1 Students at Vocational College, Nibong Tebal


MCPF Seberang Perai Selatan DLC Chairman Paramaguru Balan Moghan attended a Student Personality Development Program for Form 1 Students at Vocational College, Nibong Tebal, SPS on 18th October 2023. This Event focused on Personality Development of Form 1 students. Inspector Muhammad Helmi bin Zaiton @ Zainudin (Ketua Bahagian Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan Komuniti SPS); Inspector Ariessa binti Mohd Noor (PPS1/IPP SPS); P/Sjn 182383 Muhamad Shahilmi bin Shahadan (PPS2/BSJD SPS) and Kpl 156408 Mohd Ridzuan bin Malek (BPJKKD SPS) from PDRM IPD SPS were present. Encik Amran bin Abdul Ghani, Deputy Director of Academic Support, Kolej Vokasional Nibong Tebal was amongst the audience with 15 Teachers and over 200 students. The objectives of this Program included providing the teachers and students better awareness of Crime Prevention, Narcotics and Road Gangsterism. They were also informed on the actual cases of the topics being highlighted; motivated to overcome their fear on the presence of Police personnel which were to help fight criminal activities within the college; given insights into the detrimental impacts and risk involving drug misuse / abuse and road gangsterism (Mat Rempit). MCPF and PDRM are glad to be provided the platform and opportunity to have close rapport with this Vocational College.