Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC attends On-Site Inspection and Review for forthcoming Design Village Community Outreach Program ‘Talk To Us’


An On-Site Inspection and Review to support a forthcoming Collaborative Community Outreach Program “TALK TO US” by PDRM, MCPF SPS DLC and AADK Daerah SPS was held at Design Village Outlet Mall, Batu Kawan, SPS, Penang on 15th November 2024 morning. In attendance from IPD SPS were 1. DSP Mohd Norazmi bin Abdul Ghapar, Deputy OCPD; 2. ASP Mohamed Yuhann Ross bin Mohamed Yusof, District Criminal Investigation Division; 3. ASP Beng Hui Anak Lakim, District Commercial Crime Investigation Division; 4. Insp. Nurul Asshyikin binti Abd Raman, Division Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety (also MCPF SPS DLC Vice-Chairman [I] ex-officio); 5. Insp. Mohd Firdaus bin Abdul Ghani, OCS of Batu Kawan Police Station; 6. SI J. Kanagasundaram (CPCS Division); and 7. Sjn. Ahmad Shalaby Shokury bin Hamdan (CPCS Division). Also present were Kapt. Bersekutu (PA) Paramaguru Balan Moghan, MCPF SPS DLC Chairman and Encik Ku Muhaizad bin Ku Malim from AADK SPS. All present discussed in earnest the “TALK TO US” Program scheduled for Sunday 24th November 2024 focusing on logistics, venue (Design Village Outlet) set up, Exhibition locations and other requirements to ensure a successful Program.