Past Events

MCPF SPS DLC attends meeting with IPD SPS and PPD SPS at PPD SPS Office to discuss Program Pencegahan Jenayah Madani Daerah SPS


MCPF SPS DLC Chairman Kapt. Bersekutu (PA) Paramaguru Balan Moghan and Committee Member Mr. Komagan Lingam attended a meeting between MCPF SPS DLC, PDRM IPD SPS and PPD SPS District at Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) SPS on 21st October 2024. It was also an opportune courtesy call on the new PPD SPS Head Tuan Rizal bin Ismail. Also in attendance from PDRM were Inspector Nurul Assyikin Binti Abd Raman (KBPJKK IPD SPS who is also the ex-officio SPS DLC VC [I]); Sub inspector Kanagasundaram; and Sergeant Ahmad Salaby bin Hamdan. Encik Muhammad Zuhairi Bin Zolkiple (Asst. PPD HEM unit) and Haji Ahmad Tajwi Bin Ibrahim (PK Hem SMK Simpang Empat). This meeting was to support the smooth planning and implementation of “Program Pencegahan Jenayah Madani Peringkat Daerah SPS”.