Past Events

MCPF Seberang Perai Utara Chairman talks on Bullying issues and ‘Character Building’ at PPR Taman Bagan Jaya Thamby Kecil, Butterworth


MCPF Seberang Perai Utara DLC Chairman Munusamy Muniandy was invited to a give a talk to residents at Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Taman Bagan Jaya Thamby Kecil, Butterworth, SPU on 16th September 2023. In the event called “Program Cabaran Anak Merdeka Mengatasi Masalah Buli Siber” organized by the PPR Taman Bagan Jaya Thamby Kecil Chairman Encik Nordin bin Saad he shared on Bullying issues, challenges and how it affects children in particular. He also spoke about good behaviour of growing children, respect for teachers and parents and stressed on the importance of Mental Health, Physical Health and Spiritual Health. The audience of over 60 included both accompanying parents and their children.