Past Events

MCPF Seberang Perai Tengah Chairman participates in Ronda Keselamatan (Siri 03/2022)


MCPF SPT Chairman Ridzuan Md Zain joined Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) and AADK SPT in a ‘Security Patrolling’ (Ronda Keselamatan [Siri 03/2022]) at Padang Ibu Guar Jering and Guah Perahu on 29th September 2022. The efforts of Ridzuan Md Zain and the Chairman of Padang Ibu Guar Jering / Guar Perahu (Encik Taufiq) was acknowledged by AADK (Penang and SPT). This program is a collaborative effort between MCPF SPT DLC and AADK (Penang and SPT) as part of the AADK Mukim 20 focus improvement efforts to turn this to a ‘cleaned up’ zone.