
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log has a commendable 5,389 Hits in January 2021


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log attained a creditable Visitors’ Log Hits of 5,389 in January 2021. Our Website has hit a steady monthly average of 5,232.73 Hits since Covid-19 MCO (March 2020 to Jan 2021). It continues to attract a steady stream of visitors who have an interest and desire for wanting to keep themselves abreast on Crime Prevention Awareness updates and news updates. The January 2021 Visitors’ Hit rate compares favorably with past monthly averages for 2020 at 5,565.75; 2019 at 8,521.00; 2018 at 6,755.00; 2017 at 3,254.67 and 2016 at 1,445.10. The Maximum Unique Visitors per day touched a peak of 464 hits whilst the Minimum Unique Visitors per day was at 236. Cumulatively (for 59 months) since this data had been closely monitored, MCPF Penang’s Website have had a total of 308,894 Hits (March 2016 till January 2021).