
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log ends 2018 strongly with another 5k+ hits!


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log clogged another exceptional month for December 2018 with 5,091 hits bringing the monthly average of 2018 to 6,755 Visitors per month compared to 2017’s 3,254.67 per month and 2016’s 1,445.10 per month. A stellar 2018 indeed – very much anchored by its many programs, activities and events – in particular the 10th Asian Criminological Society Conference held in late June! Overall 2018 hits 81,060 (versus 2017 39,956).

For December 2018, the Maximum Unique Visitors per day was at a high 474 hits whilst the Minimum Unique Visitors per day sustained a steady 238 hits.