
MCPF Penang Website spikes to a new height in December 2017!


MCPF Penang Website Visitors ‘Spiked’ to an ALL-TIME RECORD HIGH of 7,196 Hits in December 2017. The Highest Single Day Number of Visitors also rose to an all-time high of 739 Hits.

This unprecedented performance has been largely due to our Website being linked to the upcoming 10th Asian Criminological Society Conference (June 2018) of which MCPF Penang has been invited as a collaborative partner with the organizers alongside USM Security Department.

The total Hits for 2017 was 39,056 Visitors compared with 2016 of 14,451 Visitors.

Since we started tracking our Website Visitor Log Analytics in March 2016, the monthly average has increased from 1,445 hits / month in 2016 to 3,254.67 hits / month in 2017 – a sizeable 125.22% increase.

With continued efforts of reaching out to the community in collaboration with key partners like PDRM, USM and other NGOs at both SLC and DLC levels – we will keep out MCPF Penang Website at the forefront of ensuring that the public at large is positively attuned to MCPF efforts in general, and MCPF Penang specifically to help Crime Prevention Awareness in our State and country.