Past Events

MCPF Penang supports Karate-Do Okinawa Goju-Ryu Penang Open Championships


Over 600 young Karate enthusiasts and exponents accompanied by their parents and coaches participated in the Karate-Do Okinawa Goju-Ryu Penang Open Championships 2023 which was jointly organized by Karate-Do Okinawa Goju-Ryu Penang State Association, Lions Club International Penang Millennium, MCPF Penang and supported by the Penang State Government. VIPs present included YB Dato’ Dr. Amar Pritipal bin Abdullah (incumbent State Assemblyman for DUN Sungai Bakap and Deputy Speaker, Penang State Assembly; Grandmaster Soke Sir K. Ananthan, Goju-Ryu Karate Association Penang; Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng, Chairman, MCPF Penang; Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mariadass Gopal, Proprietor, Malila Bakery; Master Shihan Dr. S. Stalin, President, Kedah Karate-Do Association; Master Shihan David Chua, President, Penang Karate Budokan Association; Master P. Murugiah, President, Penang Goju-Ryu Association; DSP Moghan Subramaniam, Penang Karate-Do Association Advisor / IPK P. Pinang; Paramaguru Balan Penang Karate-Do Association Advisor, Organizing Chairman and MCPF SPS DLC Chairman. The co-Emcees were Encik Chandraganthan & Mr. James Mohan, Organizing Committee Member and MCPF Barat Daya DLC Chairman. Also in attendance were Johnny Michael Tan, Secretary, MCPF Penang; Ridzuan Md Zain, MCPF SPT DLC Chairman; Munusamy Muniandy, MCPF SPU DLC Chairman; Jarmy Goh, MCPF Barat Daya DLC Vice-Chairman (II); Ng Seng Hin, MCPF SPS Treasurer; Komagan a/l Lingam, MCPF SPS DLC Member; Visvaraj a/l Balasundram, MCPF SPS DLC Member; and, Inspector Murali, SPS IPD.

From the various speeches, there was a noteworthy congruency being addressed. Every speaker underlined that healthy sports activities like martial arts amongst our youths and school students will help to build discipline and leadership characteristics for our future adults. Such engagement is aligned with the Government’s Education Ministry and MCPF’s pursuit of excellence to combat bullying, gangsterism, misuse and abuse of drugs and other social issues. It also encourages a healthy lifestyle that engages parents in the upbringing of their school children. Kudos to the organizations involved in this program. Majulah Sukan Karate untuk Malaysia!