Past Events

MCPF Penang Substance Abuse Awareness Program for School Students OC Team Meeting No. 6 at Dewan Kulia ‘A’, USM


Members of the Organizing Committee for the “Substance Abuse Awareness Program for School Students” held their 6th and Final Team Meeting on-site at the Venue of the Event i.e. Dewan Kulia A, USM on 8th November 2018. The members present were Program Organizing Chairman EL Ching, Program Secretary Rosli Mohamed Ali, Event Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen, Panel Speaker Forum Chairman JM Tan, Penang State Education Department’s Cikgu Hasnan bin Nayan, Che Aini Mohd Desa from USM Security Department, MCPF Penang SLC Member Munusamy Muniandy and ex-Officio SLC Member YDH Supt. Saw Hock Tek – Staff Officer for Community Policing from the Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department, RMP Penang. They covered in details the Program Itinerary and Logistical requirements to ensure full success in the event scheduled for 10th November 2018.