Past Events

MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee Meeting at Main Meeting Room, RMP Penang HQ


MCPF Penang Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali chaired an MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee Meeting at the Main Meeting Room, RMP Penang HQ on 8th October 2020. This meeting proceeded smoothly with strict compliance to Covid-19 RMCO SOP. Key topics discussed included a quick de-brief and review on the recently concluded Townhall on Policing Strategies successes during Covid-19 Pandemic at the Grand Ballroom, E&O Hotel, Penang on 29th September 2020; preparation for the forthcoming 27th MCPF Annual General Meeting in Kuala Lumpur; update on tightened / enhanced budgetary procedures for future MCPF SLC / DLC Programs and Events and the 5 Proposed Resolutions that would be tabled by MCPF Penang. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar thanked Organizing Chairman MCPF SLC Member Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran and all Organizing Committee members who showed commendable teamwork to organize the Townhall event.