MCPF Penang Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng chaired MCPF Penang SLC Meeting No. 3 (Term 2023-2025) at PGC Golf View Room on 18th January 2024. Attendees included YDH ACP Norazlan bin Abd Razak, Deputy HOD, JPJKK IPK P. Pinang representing YDH SAC Puspanathan a/l Wiresingam, HOD, JPJKK P Pinang cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (I) ex-officio; Rosli Mohamed Ali, Vice-Chairman (II); Johnny Michael Tan, Secretary; YBhg. M. Kaleessvaran, Committee Members; James Mohan, Barat Daya DLC Chairman; Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, Timur Laut DLC Chairman; Paramaguru Balan Moghan, SPS DLC Chairman; Munusamy Muniandy, SPU D:C Chairman; Ridzuan Md Zain, SPT DLC Chairman; Joseph Sawaremuthu, Committee Member; Rahumathullah Ibrahim, Committee Member; Victor Lim Kok Hooi, Committee Member; Assoc. Prof Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk, ex-officio USM; Haji Mohd Roslan bin Darus representing ex-officio JPN P. Pinang; ASP PB Amirul bin Abdul Rahman, ex-officio MBSP; Mohd Hamdan Syatri bin Ab Hali, ex-officio AADK; Zulkhairi bin Zainol, ex-officio JPNIN and Bhawani Nadarajan, ex-officio WCC. Highlights from the Agenda included the opening remarks by Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng; the sharing of Penang Crime Statistics by YDH ACP Norazlan bin Abd Razak; review and passing of the minutes of SLC Meeting No. 2 (19th October 2023); Letters of Appointments to ex-officious Assoc. Prof Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk (USM); ASP PB Amirul Ariff bin Zainol (JPNIN) and Zulkhairi bin Zainol (JPNIN).

Updates from DLC Chairmen was followed by discussions on matters arising from Meeting No. 2; finalized date for MCPF Penang Strategic Off-site Retreat; status on transportable exhibit booth; status on WCC Booklets; and Debrief on PGO 2023. Members present also touched on continuity of past programs including KPJ – Sekolah Angkat Program and blanket approval from JPNPP for school program participation by MCPF Penang SLC / DLCs; MCPF-AADK Programs and the targeted ‘Red Zone’ for 2024 Greening programs; MCPF – JPNIN activities and events and MCPF Penang Website updates. Financial Reports for Quarter 4 2023; Operational funding for DLCs; New MCPF Corporate shirts; KPKT involvement with MCPF; educational visit to MBSP CCTV Control Room; Courtesy Visit status; and other matters arising were also deliberated upon.
Past Events
- MCPF SPS DLC welcomes new SPS OCPD Appointment
- MCPF Penang and PDRM Pulau Pinang successfully launches its Scam Awareness QR Code (Mini-App / Infographics) at Penang Golf Club Ballroom, Bukit Jambul, Penang
- MCPF SPT DLC and JPNPP PPD SPT holds an Anti-Bullying Talk at SMK Guar Perahu, Bukit Mertajam, SPT
- MCPF Penang and PDRM Pulau Pinang ensures smooth execution of Rehearsal for Scam Awareness QR Code Launching at PGC Ball Room
- MCPF Penang Chairman Dato’ Ong Poh Eng chairs the 3rd Focus SLC Penang Meeting in the final preparation for the Scam Awareness QR Code Launching at PGC Board Room