Past Events

MCPF Penang SLC Meeting 08-2018 at CPCSD Meeting Room, RMP Penang Contingent HQ


The 9th MCPF Penang SLC Meeting for 2018 was held at the Crime Prevention and Community Security Department Meeting Room of RMP Penang Contingent HQ on 1st November 2018. Chairman Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali thanked all in attendance. He also thanked all those who had planned and participated in the recent 3rd to 6th October 2018 Study Tour in Jakarta of the Indonesian National Police. He praised the efforts put in by the JCOP2018 Organizing Committee who had put together a Virtual Debrief of the positives and what could have been done better as future reference. Members present were encouraged to keep in mind two key programs that should be planned for 2019 i.e. 1. The Organizing of a Fund Raising Program (1 Day Golf Event); and 2. The Organizing of an International Seminar with its main Theme as ‘Cyber Security’. A short discussion took place to remind all to support the immediate three upcoming events (3rd November 2018 Georgetown Bandar Selamat Launching at Lexis Suite Hotel, Teluk Kumbar; the upcoming 10th November 2018 Substance Abuse Awareness Program for School Students at USM’s Dewan Kulia A and the dinner the night prior on 9th November 2018 with Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye at Kayu Restaurant for the Organizing Committee and MCPF Penang SLC Members).