Past Events

MCPF Penang SLC holds its 2022 4th Meeting at Bilik Mesyuarat Utama, IPK Pulau Pinang


MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng chaired the State Liaison Committee’s 2022 4th Meeting at Bilik Mesyuarat Utama, IPK P. Pinang on 16th June 2022. This meeting had intense discussion and participation covering various focus items including Scam Banners – Posters – Electronic Billboards, Bandar Selamat, PGC Durian Golf Championship summary, and MCPF Federal updates which covered 7 key items. These were MCPF Federal’s proposal to have workshops for all its MCPF Members on Crime Prevention / better knowledge of MCPF Constitution, MCPF activities on Drug abuse in collaboration with AADK, Senior Vice-Chairman’s emphasis on enhancement of harmony and espirit de corps amongst members, Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah activities in schools via public speaking competition / enhancing KPJs, MCPF Lawatan Balai in collaboration with Bukit Aman and the ‘Decentralizing of Fund raising to ensure continuous MCPF sustainability with SLCs being able to keep all funds raised to finance state level activities. Letters of Appointment were handedout to ex-Officio Cikgu Sohire bin Yusof from Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Pulau Pinang and returning SLC Member Rahumatullah bin Ibrahim. DLC Chairmen Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, James Mohan, Munusamy Muniandy, Ridzuan Md Zain and Paramaguru Balan Moghan shared their District Level updates.