Past Events

MCPF Penang SLC holds 3rd SLC Meeting 2022 at Penang Golf Club Conference Room


MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng chaired MCPF Penang SLC Meeting 03’2022 at Penang Golf Club Conference Room on 12th May 2022. He led a minute of silence to honor the memory of late Dr. EL Ching. Key Programs discussed included our Focus Program on SCAMS Billboards – Posters – Flyers; Bandar Selamat and the scheduled PGC Durian Golf Championship (12th June 2022). Letters of Appointment were handed out to four ex-officio SLC Members i.e. Puan Elmariah Chung, Director of AADK Penang; Assoc. Prof Dr. Selvakumar Manickam (USM), ASP PB Amirul Ariff bin Abdul Rahman (Ketua Bahagian Keselamatan & Komuniti, MBSP ) and Encik Yong Woo Soon (Jurutera, Bahagian Lalulintas & Pengangkutan Awam, Jabatan Kejuruteraan, MBPP) as well as SLC Member Encik Ridzuan Md Zain who is now the Chairman for Seberang Perai Tengah District Liaison Committee (SPT DLC). Updates was also shared by all DLC Chairmen.