Past Events

MCPF Penang Penang holds Focused Meeting on Financial Guidelines for SLC and DLCs at PGC Board Room


MCPF Penang Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng chaired a Focused Meeting of MCPF SLC on Financial Guidelines for SLC and DLCs at Penang Golf Club Board Room on 2nd April 2024. He expressed the importance of financial support to SLC and in particular DLCs to ensure that programs were carried out in a cost effective manner. Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen underlined to all SLC Members present on increased scrutiny of expenditure by both MCPF Federal as well as out appointed Auditors. It was also clarified that MCPF Federal Treasure had categorically stated that DLC level bank accounts were not permissible. Proper financial documentation, program proposals included (unless due to short notification which does occur) must be kept. A standard ‘voucher’ format has also been published. DLC Chairmen who do manage to obtain funding support from any State Councillors, State Assemblyman. MPs, Agencies and/or private sectors were reminded that such funding is to be kept under the safekeeping of MCPF Penang accounts. This ad-hoc focused meeting will ensure enhanced Fiduciary transparency at State, District levels.