Past Events

MCPF Penang pays Courtesy Visit to Office of Penang State Education Director at Bukit Gambier


MCPF Penang led by Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng paid a Courtesy Visit to the office of Director of Penang State Education Department YBrs. Tuan Haji Abdul Said bin Hussain at Bukit Gambier on 2nd April 2024. The hosts included the Director himself; YBrs. Tuan Mohammad Said bin Ibrahim, Deputy Director (Student Development Sector); YBrs. Tuan Fadzil Sadikin, Asst. Director (Student Development Sector); Tuan Hj. Mohd Roslan bin Darus, Discipline Sub-Unit (Student Affairs); Encik Anuar Daud (ICT Staff) & Encik Azlan (ICT Staff). MCPF Penang SLC included YBhg. Dato’ Seri K Pulayantran, Deputy Chairman; YBhg. Dato’ M. Kaleessvaran, Committee Member; Mr. JM Tan, Secretary; Mr. Harikumar Katherasen, Treasurer; Mr. Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, Timur Laut DLC Chairman; Mr. James Mohan, Barat Daya DLC Chairman; Mr. Paramaguru Balan Moghan, SPS DLC Chairman; Encik Ridzuan Md Zain, SPT DLC Chairman; Mr. Munusamy Muniandy, SPU DLC Chairman; Encik Rahumathullah Ibrahim, Committee Member; Mr. Victor Lim Kok Hooi, Committee Member; Mr. Joseph Sawaremuthu, Committee Member and Encik Yazid Razali, Committee Member. The Agenda included a Welcome Address by Tuan Haji Abdul Said bin Hussain; Address by Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng; Self Introduction of Host Member and MCPF Penang SLC Members present; Short Overview of MCPF by JM Tan; Dialogue Session; a handover of the Letter of Appointment to Cikgu Fadzil Sadikin (MCPF Penang SLC ex-officio Member [JPNPP]); and a Group Photo. In his Welcoming Address Tuan Haji Abdu Said bin Hussain reflected is warm friendship with Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng, urged continued cooperation between JPNPP and MCPF Penang praised the volunteerism spirit of MCPF, and stressed that today’s school students were our nation’s future. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng thanked Tuan Pengarah for granting MCPF Penang and audience amidst his very busy schedule, mentioned MCPF Penang’s support of focused programs like anti-bullying / anti sexual harassment, challenges related to smoking / vaping leading to drug abuse / misuse. He emphasized MCPF Penang’s stance to work alongside with likeminded NGOs (e.g. WCC Penang / PWDC) and the desire to work on targeted schools with CCTV monitoring & supported with displayed posters / video clips. These efforts will entail funding. He stated that programs have to be impactful. Tuan Mohammad Said bin Ibrahim headlined bullying / sexual harassment as a key concern especially amongst targeted 53 schools with hostelites. He added that improved intervention efforts with MCPF and others will help to address these concerns at the grassroots. Tuan Fadzil Sadikin shared his update with regards to KPJ with imminent programs upcoming and his congruent thoughts on CCTV surveillance of targeted hostel schools.  Encik Rahumathullah Ibrahim also elaborated on KPJ efforts on 10 schools (5 Secondary: 4 SMK & 1 SMK (C) and 5 Primary (4 SRK & 1 SRK (T). Overall, this was a positive and an engaging meeting.