Past Events

MCPF Penang partners with Indian NGOs to hold Motivation Seminar for Parents and the Public at SP Arena, Seberang Jaya


A Seminar on Motivation for Parents and the Public Jointly Organized by the Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) Penang and Indian Non-Governmental Organizations was successfully carried out on 10th November 2024, 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at the Dewan SP Arena, Seberang Jaya, Prai, Pulau Pinang. Notable Attendees included Y.Bhg. Dato Seri Pulayantran Kayambu, Deputy Chairman, MCPF, Penang; YDH Supt Dr. Ganeson a/l Chinapan, JPJKK, IPK, Penang; Y.Bhg. Dato’ Moorthy Murugiah, Primary Sponsor; Y.Bhg. Datuk Kanathasan, Sponsor; Y.Brs. Tuan Ravindran, Sponsor; and, Y.Bhg. Dato Dr. Florance Sinniah, Sneham Malaysia. Approximately 500 parents and members of the public were also present to hear the Key Speakers Dr. Parveen Sultana from India and Mr. M.P. Nathan. Y.Bhg. Dato Seri Pulayantran, Deputy Chairman of MCPF Penang officiated the Program that carried the primary theme as presented by the speakers titled “Give Me the Strength” or in Tamil, “Valamai Tarrayo.” The objectives of inspiring parents and the wider community to support the growth and empowerment of the younger generation, fostering a stronger sense of community involvement and to appreciate the developing of a positive and progressive mind set within the community through impactful dialogue were duly met. This seminar is a significant collaborative effort by MCPF Penang and partnering NGOs. We are confident that this program has provided invaluable insights to students, teachers, parents, and the general public, contributing meaningfully to the betterment of society. We look forward to organizing more impactful programs in the future. Sincere Appreciation Goes to YB. Dato Seri Sundrarajoo Somu, State Assemblyman for Perai and State EXCO for Housing and Environment; Y.Bhg. Dato Seri Ong Poh Eng, Chairman, MCPF Penang; Tuan Saktivel and Tuan Selvakumar (State Education Department); Y.Bhg. Dato Seri Pulayantran Kayambu; Y.Bhg. Dato Moorthy, Y.Bhg. Datuk Kanathasan, Tuan Ravindran, and Tuan Ashraf (Sponsors); not forgetting all Indian NGOs who provided support throughout this event; and to all who contributed in one way or another in ensuring the smooth and successful running of the overall Program and this Event which is a culmination of the one preceding on 9th November 2024 for Teachers and Students of SJKT Schools in Penang.