Past Events

MCPF Penang meets up with Thai Consular General at Royal Thai Consulate, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman


MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali led delegates from MCPF (SLC Members Johnny Michael Tan and Yazid Razali) to a discussion with Thai Consular General Khun Raschada Jiwali at the Royal Thai Consulate, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman on 24th February 2020. A note of thanks to the accompaniment of Mr. Seah Kok Hooi, an advocate of MCPF Penang who helped facilitate the meeting. The main objective of the short discussion was to share with the Thai Consular General on MCPF Penang’s plan to have a study tour / visit of Bangkok Police and parties involved in Tourism Security, Anti-Drug efforts and Crime Prevention. MCPF Penang shared on past successful efforts of similar study regional study tours (Medan, Jakarta, Singapore). Beneficial insights and guidelines were shared by Khun Raschada Jiwali from the Thai Authoritative perspectives. More updates to be followed.