Past Events

MCPF Penang joins ‘Fellowship Meeting’ between RMP Penang and Penang State Education Department: Main Meeting Room RMP Penang HQ


MCPF Penang, represented by Vice-Chairman (I) Rosli Mohamed Ali and Secretary Dr. EL Ching, is glad to have been invited to participate in a ‘Mesyuarat Permuafakatan’ (Fellowship Meeting) held between RMP Penang Contingent and the Penang State Education Department at the RMP Penang HQ Main Meeting Room on 11th July 2019. YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo (CPO, Penang) chaired the meeting whilst Y.Bhg. Dr. Mahanom binti Mat Sam (Director of Education, Penang State) also addressed the attendees. RMP Penang Contingent’s Heads of Departments and OCPDs were present alongside Senior Police Officers from CPCSD and other Departments. The State Education Department represented by its District Heads discussed matters pertaining to school Disciplinary issues and educational / prevention aspects of Drug concerns. Briefing shared by RMP Departments encompassed those from CPCSD (School Liaison Officers / School Police Cadet Corps), Special Branch (Activities endangering the Safety / Security of the nation), Crime Investigation (involving students), Narcotics Investigation (students with drug cases), Commercial Crime (students involved in Cyber Crimes) and Traffic Investigation and Enforcement (students involved with Traffic cases). Dr. EL Ching covered the topic on the ‘Revival’ of the Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah Sekolah. This interactive discussion was followed up by a Press Conference where Tuan Rosli Mohamed Ali spoke on behalf of MCPF Penang.