Past Events

MCPF Penang is well represented at PENSEC 14th AGM at Amari SPICE Hotel


MCPF Penang SLC was well represented at PENSEC (Penang Security Practitioners Organization) 14th AGM held at Citrine Room, Amari SPICE Hotel, Bayan Lepas on 16th February 2023. In attendance were Y.Bhg. Dato’ M. Kaleessvaran (Committee Member); JM Tan (Secretary); James Mohan (Barat Daya DLC Chairman); Ridzuan Md Zain (SPT DLC Chairman); Rahumathullah bin Ibrahim (Committee Member). Also present was Peter Paul Arokiyasamy (MCPF Timur Laut DLC Committee Member). The Victor Lim Kok Hooi, CCP and MCPF Penang SLC Committee Member delivered a talk on “Grow Your Career” and doubled up as the AGM Master of Ceremony / Chairman. Victor Lim who is also ASIS International Malaysia Chairman / Regional Security Leader for Asia Pacific and OSAC Malaysia Chairman in his paper encouraged Security fraternity to pursue CCP Certification to enhance their Security career. He also shared a touching eulogy for MCPF Penang past Secretary, the late Dr. EL Ching. JM Tan also shared a short tribute on behalf of MCPF Members present. Other key highlights included an overview of “Deception Detection in Investigation” by Jackson Yogarajah of JBL International; sharing on “Technology using Jaguar Security Bags” by Abd Hafiz bin A. Bakar, Senior Business Development Manager and the Election of Office Bearers, Committee Members and Internal Auditors. JM Tan, a past Vice-Chairman and later past Internal Auditor of PENSEC was elected as one of the two Internal Auditors in this AGM.