Past Events

MCPF Penang holds successful Townhall on Policing Strategies successes during Covid-19 Pandemic


MCPF Penang successfully held a Townhall with the Theme “Policing Strategies during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Success Story of Police and Related Law Enforcement Agencies in Penang State.” This Townhall was organized in collaboration and with the support of the Penang State Government, the Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent, the Penang State Health Department and the Integrity Unit of USM.  Approximately 200 were in attendance with strict compliance to RMCO SOP. Participants were from Government Agencies, Industry, Business Chambers of Commerce, SMEs, Hotels, NGOs, Academicians, MCO Partners of PDRM – (Armed Forces, Civil Defense, RELA), Financial Institutions, Airlines, Prisons Department, District Officers,  Customs, Immigration, AADK, MBPP & MBSP, Hospitals, Property Developers / Contractors, Tourism Group, and also the Press / Media.

MCPF Penang Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali welcomed all participants, expressed pride in the close cooperation among key authorities including the Penang State Government, PDRM, Health Department and other stakeholders for their superb commitment to keep Penang State as safe as possible in this Covid-19 pandemic.
YAB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow, Chief Minister of Penang delivered the Official Address and launching of this significant event. He thanked PDRM, MCPF, the Health Department and USM for coming together to initiate this Townhall with the Theme “Policing Strategies during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Success Story of Police and Related Law Enforcement Agencies in Penang State”. He also shared how the Penang State had battled Covid-19, initial challenges, and his appreciation of Penang State success. He encouraged all to continue living up in public unison to continue the ongoing “Penang Lawan Covid-19” and the continued teamwork by all parties. Moderator YBhg. Assoc. Professor Dato’ Dr. P. Sundramoorthy kicked off the session by providing essential data / trends of Covid-19 statistics on a global, regional and national level. Panel Member Y.Brs Dr. Asmayani binti Khalib, Director of Health Department, Penang State enlightened participants on the journey of the fight against Covid-19 pandemic undertaken by the Ministry of Health, the key facts, impact of the disease and the realities of adhering to ‘New Norms’. She also thanked all frontliners for their roles, responsibilities and risk faced in the War against Covid-19.

Panel Member YDH CP Dato’ Sahabudin bin Abd Manan, Chief Police Officer, Penang provided a comprehensive sharing of how PDRM together with the Army, Civil Defense and RELA together with the Penang State Government and other stakeholders and volunteers were immensely helped by Teamwork, Community Togetherness and Public compliance to SOPs through the various phases of Movement Control Order. Whilst highlighting the encouraging decrease in Crime rates and Drug issues, he emphasized that Cyber Crimes had increased substantially during this same period. Panel Member YBhg. Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, Senior Vice-Chairman, MCPF touched all key aspects of the role of MCPF and how it views Crime Prevention from new concerns like Cyberspace Crimes, Scams and the Psychological / Social impact to society. He iterated on the call for all citizens to follow MCO SOPs religiously and that everyone’s commitment was needed. He also shared his proposal that a Cybercrime Committee should be set up due to an alarming increase in cybercrimes this year. The Q&A Session had interesting questions posed by the participants as well as pertinent suggestions and feedbacks of concerns of non-compliance of Laws / SOPs by the public and business institutions alike. Panel Speakers responded well inclusive of their insights and perspectives. This unique Townhall event was successfully organised with stark reminders that the war against this Covid-19 pandemic is far from over. Battles may have been won thus far. We must remain vigilant, ensure full SOP compliance and not be complacent with ‘New Norms’. Kudos to the Organizing Committee chaired by MCPF Penang SLC Member Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran and well advised by MCPF Penang Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali / MCPF EXCO Member YBhg. Assoc. Prof. Dato’ Dr. P. Sundramoorthy. This was a great Teamwork executing within a short period of time and it included MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman YBhg. Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Vice-Chairman (II) Rosli Mohamed Ali, SLC Secretary / SPT DLC Chairman Dr. EL Ching, Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen, SLC Member / Barat Daya DLC Chairman (and livewire MC for the Event) James Mohan, SLC Member / Timur Laut DLC Chairman JM Tan, SLC Members Joseph Sawaremuthu, Yazid Razali, Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Jaafar and Supt. Chua Kok Lian from the Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department of RMP Penang.