Past Events

MCPF Penang holds collaborative dialogue with Agensi Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) Penang


A positive dialogue session was held on 17th January 2020 at the Agensi Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan, Penang Office at Anson Road between MCPF Penang and AADK Penang to focus on crime prevention collaboration on drug. In attendance were AADK Penang Director cum MCPF Penang ex-Officio SLC Member Puan Elmariah Chung, MCPF Penang Secretary cum SPT DLC Chairman Dr. EL Ching and MCPF Penang Member Ridzuan Md Zain cum SPT DLC Treasurer Ridzuan Md Zain as well as Deputies from AADK Penang Office. Items discussed included having AADK collaborate with MCPF Penang on School programs as well as AADK initiatives with community and industries. MCPF Penang will organize a follow-up meeting with District AADKs to be attended by all DLC Chairmen to familiarize with one other and facilitate smooth organizing of crime prevention programs in the future. AADK will also provide presentation materials for school events to MCPF. It was also discussed that AADK will invite MCPF Penang on a major Drug Prevention Awareness program and will also work closely with MCPF Penang to organize programs at selected focus ‘kampongs’ / areas. Puan Elmariah Chung presented goodies, relevant literature and a book on ‘Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah’.