Past Events

MCPF Penang extends its Heartiest Congratulations to Dr. EL Ching and James Mohan upon their well deserved graduation from Universiti Sains Malaysia on 24th / 29th September 2019 respectively


Syabas and Tahniah to both MCPF Penang Secretary cum SPT DLC Chairman Dr. Ching Eng Leong and MCPF Penang SLC Member cum Barat Daya DLC Chairman James Mohan on their deserved Degrees received from Universiti Sains Malaysia. At the 57th USM Convocation Ceremony, Ching Eng Leong received his degree in Doctor of Philosophy on Tuesday 24th September 2019 and James Mohan received degree of Bachelor of Social Science (Honors) on Saturday 28th September 2019. Both these fine gentlemen toiled over 7 years / 4 years respectively in the Pursuit of Academic Excellence. Congratulations from all of MCPF Penang!