Past Events

MCPF Penang delivers MCPF Overview, Bullying & Cyberbullying Talk at Sekolah Menengah Teknik Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra


MCPF Penang was invited by Sekolah Menengah Teknik Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra (SMT TARP) to deliver a talk to its 500+ 4th & 5th Formers and over 50 Teachers on Cyberbullying Crime Awareness at the school’s Dewan Mutiara on 19th June 2023. Whilst Cyberbullying took center stage and focus of the topic, the highlight successful event had the audience being given an overview of MCPF – its origins, structure, vision, mission and values as well as the lead in bigger picture of what Bullying in Schools is all about. The School Principal Tuan Mohd Salim bin Mohamed Yusoff delivered the Welcome Speech where he emphasized the seriousness and detrimental effects of Cyberbullying and Body Shaming amongst students. This short 2 hours program also had the support and presence of the school’s PDRM Pegawai Perhubungan Sekolah (School Liaison Officer, RMP) Inspector Wan Mohd Hasyim bin Wan Yusof. He stressed on PDRM’s commitment to work with Schools / NGOs on concerns like Bullying, School Discipline and Crime. MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng enthralled the audience with his own life story as a student. He underlined that each and every pupil of the school had the opportunity to become a good citizen of the country when they leave the school and tertiary education and embark on the career.

The main speakers from MCPF Penang for the day were Secretary Johnny Michael Tan who covered MCPF Overview and James Mohan, SLC Member / Chairman, MCPF Barat Daya DLC shared good awareness about Bullying and Cyberbullying. Two short videos on Cyberbullying hit home the succinct messages of the dangers of Cyberbullying to the students and teachers. The morning session was underlined with a highly interactive Question & Answers cum Quiz Session with great participation from students and teachers alike. Also in attendance for SMT TARP were Puan Noraziyan binti Ismail, Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid (HEM); Puan Shukeriah binti Mustaffa, Penolong Kanan ko Kurikulum; Dr. Asha Dass, Unit Perhubungan Luar; and Nazrul Azwan bin Ahmad Sabri, Unit Perhubungan Luar*. Other MCPF Penang attendees supporting this erstwhile program were Felix Chuah Gim Chuan, SLC Member / Chairman, MCPF Timur Laut DLC; Paramaguru Balan Moghan, SLC Member / Chairman, MCPF Seberang Perai Selatan DLC; Munusamy Muniandy, SLC Member / MCPF Seberang Perai Utara; Joseph Sawaremuthu, SLC Member; and Victor Lim Kok Hooi, SLC Member. This Event was broadcasted live over SMT TARP Facebook.