Past Events

MCPF Penang continuing close collaborative and cooperative rapport and liaison with Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent


It is not merely through direct involvement in the design, development and delivery of Crime Prevention Program, Events and Activities that Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation, Penang has shown its close relationship with the Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent.  Recent festive celebrations and community engagement how important and crucial this formal and informal linkage is.  Besides the welcoming of our YDH CP Dato’ Abdul Ghafar Bin Rajab as the Chief Police Officer of Penang on 7th March 2016, MCPF has participated in various Police events like the Hindu community celebration in conjunction with the 209th Anniversary of Police Day on 29th April 2016; Dato’ K. Pulayantran’s representation of MCPF Penang at a Dialogue between Police and the Community at KRT Taman Limau Manis / Belimbing (Bukit Tengah) on 27th May 2016; Breaking of Fast with Timur Laut / Barat Daya PDRM on 13th June 2016 at Masjid Bandar Baru, Air Itam and the Breaking of Fast with SPU / SPT / SPS PDRM on 21st June 2016 at Dewan Gemilang, IPD SPT.