Past Events

MCPF Penang completes its submission of highlights for MCPF 30th Anniversary Coffee Table Book


MCPF Penang provided its support to MCPF Federal’s efforts on the publication of a Coffee Table Book in commemoration of MCPF’s 30th Anniversary. MCPF was established on 11th January 1993. MCPF Penang submitted write ups for the 3rd (Community Success) and 4th (The Future) segments of the planned publication. 7 different facets of Community Success were submitted for the Editorial team to select from encompassing Community Outreach Programs, International Seminars, sustained MCPF Penang Website, unique DLCs Motivation & Team Building Workshop, SCAM Poster Launch and Crime & Policing in Malaysia Forums. Segment 4 focusing on The Future being in the hands of our youth from schools / polytechnic was covered. Selective photo essays covered 19 different programs impacting and touching the minds of students from National Type Primary / Secondary Schools; Tamil Primary Schools; Chinese Primary & Secondary Schools; Technical School / Polytechnic and even International School / Special Education School. We look forward to the final publication sometime in the 1st quarter of 2023.