Past Events

MCPF Penang bids farewell and ‘fare well’ to YDH SAC Mohamad Anil Shah and Supt. Saw Hock Tek (IPK, JPJKK Office) at Pen Mutiara Restaurant, Batu Maung


MCPF Penang bade farewell to its Vice-Chairman (I) YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (HOD, CPCSD, RMP Penang) and its ex-Officio Supt. Saw Hock Tek (CPCSD – Community Policing, RMP Penang) in a dinner gathering held at Pen Mutiara Restaurant, Batu Maung on 10th October 2019. Present at this gathering were MCPF Penang SLC Members who wished both gentlemen the very best in the next chapter of their lives after official retirement from the Police force. MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali underlined the importance of the close collaboration and cooperation between MCPF Penang and RMP Penang in its Crime Prevention efforts. Also present were YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo, Chief Police Officer of Penang (cum MCPF Penang Honorary Advisor); USM’s Y.Bhg. Associate Professor Dato’ Dr. P. Sundramoorthy (MCPF EXCO Member); Y.Bhg. Dato’ K. Pulayantran (MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman and MCPF EXCO Member); Puan Elmariah Chung, Director of AADK, Penang State and recently appointed as an ex-Officio SLC Member and USM’s Datuk Professor Dr. Omar Shawkataly. In a post dinner informal dialogue, MCPF SLC Members got to introduce themselves to its two new ex-Officio SLC Members Puan Elmariah Chung and Associate Professor Dr. Selvakumar Manickam who both reciprocated likewise.